Terms and conditions
The Product offered on this Site is the rental of the SITE RECANTO DO PARAÍSO, qualified above, is intended exclusively for seasonal rental, pursuant to art 48 of law 8.245/91
It is the sole responsibility of the LESSEE to observe and comply with the safety rules regarding the use of swimming pools, as well as with regard to peace and good habits.
The LESSEE will verify that they received the Sítio Recanto do Paraíso space, in perfect condition, that is, swimming pools, bathrooms, kitchen, ballroom, all clean and in full operation. As well as the tidy space must be delivered, with the garbage conditioned and placed in the correct place.
It is STRICTLY PROHIBITED: playing ball, rollerblading, skateboarding, scootering or the like, inside the hall, throwing objects in the pools and fountains, making a bonfire or using fireworks in any part of the site, barbecue in the river area, as well as the use of glasses and glass bottles in the river area, using musical instruments without the owner's consent. The site already has a speaker (with bluetooth) fixed in the hall, thus being prohibited the use of speakers other than the one on the site. It is noteworthy that the sound even during the day CANNOT exceed 60 Db, Organic Law of Rio de Janeiro nº 6.179, of May 22, 2017. The LESSEE is responsible for complying with the aforementioned law.